Monday, October 4, 2010

week 1

Week one of DTS is over and it was something to remember. I met a lot of new class mates and in the class there are 31 of us from 5 different nations, there is USA, Canada, England, Mexico, and Guatemala. The students are very young, most of them are in there teens, so a lot of young spirited people with hearts ready to be shaped for God. I am so excited to get to know everyone and see us become family. I can already tell this is going to be an adventure. All of the people have awesome stories and great testimonies. We have been reading the book "Is that really you God" by Loren Cunningham and so far it is very inspiring and while reading it I can tell that Loren had a lot of faith in everything he did. We have a report on the book due on Friday.
This week we did some ice break games to get to know each other and just went over what we will be learning in the school. Found out all our speakers for the school and we got a lot of good ones. I will post the list on my website :) we also got to see what church we will be attending for the remainder of the school and what local outreach we will be working with. I will be working with an organization called project deborah and they work handicapped kids so I am ready for this journey. God is going to mold me in so many ways. I have some awesome room mates there names are Paul, Nick, jed, sergio, and DJ they are some pretty cool guys that I am getting a long with really well.

This week we actually start lectures and its going to be on the Father Heart of God..the speakers name is jack kody and i am looking forward to this is going to be so awesome with a lot of growth. I am ready to have my heart softened and to learn just how much God loves me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

september 2nd

Today we went to the Tijuana base for a world wide worship even called "One Voice" which through web cam we hear and sing with bases from around the world at the same time. Some of the bases involved were in Amsterdam, Chile, Brazil, Las Angelas, and Switzerland, it was definitely a treat

We also did base clean up and cleaned the entire base for THE 50Th ANNIVERSARY of YWAM this weekend where over 400 people from all over will come and praise God and remember the last 50 years of YWAM....which I was planning on going home and missing this event for I was told there was no room but plans changed all of a sudden when the director of YWAM San Diego Baja asked me to stay and help with the video equipment when interviewing some of the top people in YWAM. So I am so very excited to be apart of this big event. This means i will be coming home right after the event so Tuesday(Sept. 7) or Wednesday(Sept. 8) and I will stay till Monday(Sept. 13). I will be hearing first hand from some the top people in YWAM. That just really excites me. This is the life of a missionary so unexpected. So I will not be coming home tomorrow it will be the middle of next week.

email me if you have any questions

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my life and the upcoming dts

Life this summer has had its ups and downs. I have made a lot of hard choices and have had few easy ones. This summer was definitely a test of faith, but through these trials I have grown immensely. God has put people in my life to talk to and to answer any sort of questions I might have. God has shown me how he has been using me in changing the lives of the students that have been coming this summer.

The last week of mission adventures I had the chance to share my testimony with a group of kids from Boston, MA. Through that all the kids were greatly impacted but one girl it touched a bit more than the rest. A couple nights after I had told my testimony, the girl had come up to me and pulled me aside. She started to open up and tell me all these things about her life and little did I know through my story, she was able to talk about things she had not been able to talk about for a long time. This is just one example. There were others that had approached me and wanted to know more on how I dealt with things. I am learning that through my struggles He has been preparing me for such a time as this. He has given me the gift of words, and connecting with people on a level that I can understand at times, being able to speak words of life to them.

That is one of the reasons that I am trying to raise money to complete a school with YWAM called a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in September. The DTS training begins with a 12 week classroom phase, followed by an 8 week outreach. The location of the outreach will be prayed about during the lecture phase and then the planning begins! It is a very exciting time in my life and I am looking forward to growing in my relationship with God, and knowing who I am in Him.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

my life now

life is like a ladder...we are always climbing up and once we find what we think is the top we just go down...but when your climbing up your latter that is your life just remember to help people up theres...LIFT AND CLIMB...GOD IS SO AMAZING :)

This thought has been going through my head. Lets see my life now. I got the most amazing godly women i could ever ask for, I love her unconditionaly. The things that are weighing heavy on my heart now are my DTS and just growing deeper with my heavenly father. I want to do things in my community so many things. I am going to brainstorm some things and just do them. God does not lay things on our heart to just sit around and think about them. Did you know that when God puts something on your heart and you do not do it thats a sin. Thats crazy huh.

I still cant believe i'm engaged, my heart is so full because of her and she knows i will love her till my last breath on this earth, she knows ill walk side by side with her until i cant anymore, and she knows ill use my last breath on this earth to tell her i love her. She is my one and only. I love you Alex i really do. tienes mi corazon para siempre :)

I am going to start blogging once a night on things that are going on inside my heart and just talk about different things. So if you like my facebook statuses or just want to see whats going on in my mind. Well on here i will go deeper.

Love you all
Gods follower