Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my life and the upcoming dts

Life this summer has had its ups and downs. I have made a lot of hard choices and have had few easy ones. This summer was definitely a test of faith, but through these trials I have grown immensely. God has put people in my life to talk to and to answer any sort of questions I might have. God has shown me how he has been using me in changing the lives of the students that have been coming this summer.

The last week of mission adventures I had the chance to share my testimony with a group of kids from Boston, MA. Through that all the kids were greatly impacted but one girl it touched a bit more than the rest. A couple nights after I had told my testimony, the girl had come up to me and pulled me aside. She started to open up and tell me all these things about her life and little did I know through my story, she was able to talk about things she had not been able to talk about for a long time. This is just one example. There were others that had approached me and wanted to know more on how I dealt with things. I am learning that through my struggles He has been preparing me for such a time as this. He has given me the gift of words, and connecting with people on a level that I can understand at times, being able to speak words of life to them.

That is one of the reasons that I am trying to raise money to complete a school with YWAM called a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in September. The DTS training begins with a 12 week classroom phase, followed by an 8 week outreach. The location of the outreach will be prayed about during the lecture phase and then the planning begins! It is a very exciting time in my life and I am looking forward to growing in my relationship with God, and knowing who I am in Him.

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